The Twitter platform now competes with the largest global communication platforms such as Facebook because of the huge number of users so that some heads have accounts on Twitter, so looking for a lot of ways to useless to increase the number of followers in Twitter, so among these methods I have come to you today with the most authentic methods that will increase the number of followers of your account.
But of course these methods are coupled with the condition that your account is active and be ready to interact with the followers who will bring these tools and thus have ensured the increase of follow up your account as soon as possible, let's start the explanation ...
First: Twitonomy site
This site gives you complete and detailed statistics for your Twitter account and then tells you which blogs bring you an interaction as well as the best times to publish tweets and therefore you know how to use your account intelligently and professionally.
Second: Trendsmap site
This is the best tool we have today, where you can increase Twitter followers from any country you want through a very wonderful strategy, where the site after you select the country you want followers of giving you all the hacks that interact with the largest number of users, and thus will be able through these Reach all these people.

Third: TweetDeck
This site is similar to the first site, but it is unique that you can control your Twitter account in a holistic and detailed way. It also gives you details about your account and tells you who visited your account and put you comments and those around you with a Twitter account, this site is definitely a treasure for Twitter users.
This post has been completed in the hope that you have been blessed, do not forget to share the subject with your friends so that the benefit will prevail.