It is known that to enjoy the content of an instagram, it is necessary to open an account, so all those who do not do so will lose content posted on this platform and interact. However, it is possible to view Instagram content and follow users without having to log in using Filtergram. This web tool is responsible for giving us access to the platform features as soon as you register.
It's a free and very simple tool, but it's useful if you want to use Instagram in incognito mode. To get started, you must go through the registration process by entering your email address and password, so you can access the jobs right away.
The portal is divided into 3 sections: nutrition, follow-up and favorites. When you first sign in, we will not see anything in the feed, so we should go to the "Followings" tab, where you can enter the users you want to follow in the bar and add them at the bottom.
Now, if we go to the "Feed" section, we can see all the publications.
You can not like or comment, because the idea of this particular service is to enter an intruder anonymously. However, it is possible to save some of the publications that will be kept in the "Favorates" section. This way, anyone can use Instagram easily without opening an account.
Link: filtergram